Sunday, July 30, 2006

leating, hot ice, ta da, open
bars, recording current bad
clusters, spamedicine,
rebuilding registry, conduit
only, bangalore vacation,
battlecops, moshpit lit, still
to salvage, zen boxing, piano
computer, no non-italic, ex-war,
brak, bloss, celerac, workflow,
symevent, throwing pennies at
the bridges down below, goon
line, who ends up paying, send
all thet, global girls, the
sleeper single, presentism,
complex connectivities, writer
of distinction, orange parking,

Saturday, July 29, 2006

the one text, degeneration text,
representational photocopy, zoo
ming in and out, any idea where
or when this might have been
written, not writing half so
hard, textual fragments of
memory, trying to include it
all in, time place situation,
texture is lost during photocopy,
imp mob, fromgether, saint
reng, attention must be paid,
hamno hoppy, having in hand,

Sunday, July 23, 2006

you know where we are, let
confusion rain, smear of brown,
smear of red, dream of green,
return of gray, stains of
orange, wooden egg head, return
to return, single out for
reproduction, if one original
is lost, never text, how can you
read wood, fold pli, nothing
is temporary, do you want to
cont, bloggernaut, for real
spider, orridge in all, ess
thesis, dead letter cult,
clarifeye, ran out of steam
man, not so long good bye,
crops up again, changing
impressions, cut a window,

Saturday, July 22, 2006

mail fail, many mark, golden
language, idema, bp eye, oppor
tuna, agons, cluster run, get
the bends, scrawled version,
mesoacidalia aglaja, the leastest
link, eye em ty, hasler, cut
thru to the toner, infinate,
green tower, falling by the
way, cut to signify, add zero,
terrace, nanohalo, bouncing
forward, memory slave,
digital host, still more work,
the bottom of the heart,
recent ink, tell me about your
love hate, now all the
writing is being archived,

Saturday, July 15, 2006


interested in your
life, what is a list,
tear the page right
out of the book, a
small enuf error,
sensory deterioration,
the energy of to and
fro, nwsw, backchannel
house, no need to look
inside the envelope,
e-mail literature,
free for the printing,
a pile of bits, art
is the blank gap, one
hand, to field, akomok,
all this white
space, helmsmanship,
put here, you are look,
keep score, zero books,
iso mile, trinaty,
make a record of
this very moment,
web absence, an actual
town in southern
alberta, lotch,
another chunk,
the usual number,
hammer to typer,
procure space, mori,

Sunday, July 09, 2006

xif, nigeb, red pool of, sim
post, wheat soup, copied plenty,
lucidate text, lucid blue,
lucid indication, not downward,
a definite mark, doo, am cont,
to smear, church of colour,
murcott, beginn dark, set out,
a collection of identical,
hyperreflexia, diaphoresis,
peripheral neuropathy, oub,
killer app, blogbot, black block,
our blank is bliss to fill, a
website that came in the mail,
twelve hundred bucks worth of
currency, general data, on a
concrete ledge, none the wise,
sealed in tight, chaos collage,

Saturday, July 08, 2006

turn the copy into an original,
dismissal refund, simulated
post, xcl, being blur, fix the
actual, alas poor, chilean
soccer, amnasty, minaret mail,
round number post, sea of green,
nonedible groceries, box ends,
deep no wisdom, oyez, horizon
the call eventually, peaceful
hierarchy, overpoetic, token
concrete, non-mass media
internet, translationese,
assembly poetics, free printing,
zen drunk, surprise mail,
how are you going to pay for
this, perfectly linkable,
watch the paper deteriorate,

Monday, July 03, 2006

build dot, build events, lump
buzz, zwoz, photocopied onto
recycled paper, duplicate
original, singularity two,
video high, font identifier,
banfer, erg street, how big the
bug, anonymous font, loose vent
timber, you are pre-confirmed,
one oh one point zero seven,
twelve thousand pennies, toalla,
aubretia, the celery hats?,
caught in the moss, concrete
presnet, dromomaniac, deadhand
response, flux mechanix, zud,
noxon, theo etical, the green
flash, paranormal panorama,

Sunday, July 02, 2006

what can possibly be said,
be okay, people who are not on
line, gazing at pixels, blog
your own stuff, vinyl hat,
identical micro-transactions,
chalk poetry, this represents
a day, dead-blog, postal
traffic, big in alberta,
let ter, inconvenience fee,
this represents another day,
the law of the pixel, die
everyday, the original ant,