Thursday, January 14, 2010

"format format format" (pb)

the turning of the page if m, in the
present the pine box incident
the activity in Z selec-books mind at the
end of the teeter toter a running commentary
focalization (vocal-eyes ation). but i saw you
writing it it is not dying it is not dying
getting a lot of words on the page a breather at
the beginning supposedly writing a novel loven
conflict of different mes. went missing a hole
box this is the bark of me that is being
buried this weekend. being laid to rest getting
laid to rest might get run over
finger squirting sample saturday
prefer to sit with my back to it
jumping around by the time one gets started
wouldn’t like to be being observed
a few things I wanted to work in
place to place postponing beginning
mail post pone a sequal as equal


ah sunflower weary of time becoming aware of
all the foolish little rituals of existance

howling up
go out of your way
ghostly plastic repetition
on the road to damascus
serving the sentence
is there a mcdonalds around here?

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