Tuesday, December 14, 2010


you gotta get your priorities
straight kid, one more penny
to the beast, the bread question,
a rubberstamp that says: we’ve
already seen all your stupid
rubberstamps, world enough
and time, the mental cash-registers,
the worker in one connection was
the worked in another, the mad
hatter’s tea table, jacob’s room,
some blackguard without a
penny, polygonal tropes, prairie
diaspora, six by nine just fine,
hit it today, some sort of
stain in the centre of the
paper, the gutter of the photocopied
book, nothing drives me wild,
nevus, cachets, hopes to work,
bookchute, passing through,
stanzagraph, alternis dicetis;
amant alterna camenae,
bethluisnion, don’t be fooled
by the blank, blood robots,
mogger, stalk not lest ye
be stalked, why is this text
not complete, the moss black
dug the boggied fuel,
telidon, pymes, six-fingered
chicken, the optic gride, there
is nothing that is too personal
to be art, botana, a, salmineoism,
inmorality, correspondense,

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