Sunday, January 16, 2011

"computerized sun"

thick ink, caef, pohms, the
text is changed by reading it,
shut the box!, one speedball,
bage, spell orts, nothing to do
with everything, reuseable
words, outside the lines, remove
yer self, tabulate alternatives,
theme generation, onliness,
mum up, parsec per sec, bill for
we were born, miss pell mell,
oriented strand board, tip
of the advice berg, stole the
head & smashed it, very
trouble, computerized sun,
its hierarchy its exchanges
its constraints, apparatus
check, a flight in advance,
borderperson, fix before,
return trips, today only,
uneven(t) issues, rain of
letters, beset thing, precise
dynamite, t(issue text, the
year before, bmit, wove, daze
& daze, the power of time
(prisoners of war, makes us
think, machine libido,
doesn’t stand for, bring
the daze with you, swack
o’ days, dayz without words,

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