Sunday, August 12, 2012

"goderich" & "hrncirska"

moss is the consolation of rocks,
please remove me from your
mailing list, japanese lilies,
kanada with a k, vrs, this is
from the time they smashed the
monitor, recycled language,
atkins avenue, local mail,
you knew what word was supposed
to be in the blank, the markings
you might find, this little mark
makes all the difference, melp,
hsibre, hsic, hilliard, local drunk,
goderich, gather them all
together, all we need is a stamp,

great plains fire, carcharodon,
it’s me, inside the gift, expired
a long time ago, zen extension,
celestial magenta, eye grain,
hrncirska, environmentally
unconscious, oxbridge, whale
alphabet, the numbers seem a
little out of whack, had a stroke
at eight, get moving, unsigned
pumpkin carving, thromboembolic,
aphasia grams, apathy is one
thing anarchy is another,
pressure sores, emotional changes,

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