Tuesday, September 18, 2012

"dianoia" & "laparoscopic"

somewheres, acid perpetual trick,
hang on to that information, pifko,
what do you want to be, have
empathy and compassion, gas hair
gas movies copies copies,
vieillissement, photocopies of
beauty, overpost, lkick, mille-
feuille, imperforate anus,
sternalgia, tibialgia, ballpeen
pen, pennylotts, itfum, evites,
dianoia, piaffe, static or
active ataxia, anal fistulas,
après moi le déluge, was man
will, polytropon, planchthe,
picaró, polymetis, fato profugus,

emailio, ardnaiam, a sheet of
paper is eight pages, discard
literature, what size of text are
you looking for, if i could come
back to this moment, oulda, act
make, rem lick, release nothing,
we are going to be releasing,
the face i remember, the words
i remember, cancel barcode, do
you intend to respond, they go
out, can an ass kiss, we are
doing the same thing, at a rot
imp, who all did what, the state,
ad- tenuis, too long wax, a
clustered slab, laparoscopic,
concrete acting, wreck of art,

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