Friday, November 25, 2005

mail cell, tesa, easter egghead,

mail cell, tesa, easter egghead,
in and of the project, put it up
for auction, the sign we are
signing, this is not information,
error repairer, nilin', unique egg,
frequently updated, ditter,
current list, spot the ray,
string theory, a ray of golden
shower, magical inishfree, the
slicing block, snippet of art,
mister and miss, neonic, culafic,
abc ghi, flying swallow, bujic,
dog on wheels, nastic, open art
closed, art ma, quo vadis mundus,
mathue, koen, body machine,
spasic, new moment idea, papa
dada, word of the world,
infoplex, egyptian hieroglyphics
and chinese, bookletter, blued

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