Thursday, November 26, 2009


1) 8½ x 11: 1,000,000 $
1) toda
1) don’t ask me to fish
1) as an artwork
1) artwinch
1) representing skin
1) tritomaria
1) blast of blossoms around the old milkshute
1) draconian art
1) psychedelic automotive
1) who’s puttin’ the psych on who?
1) what the art meant to represent
1) tore loose from it’s moorings
1) the energy
1) bad admiral
1) blazing moments dying out
1) all the all the inbetween
1) mallared
1) whyke
1) who
1) art
1) art
1) art 15¢
1) art 10¢
1) art 10¢
1) still ..
1) croixan
1) this
1) √
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1) √

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