Friday, November 20, 2009

MAY 13 2008 & MAY 24 2008 (am) #3

1) the bowl expansion
1) chandonanthus
1) other people’s lives
1) in and out of adequacy
1) it was pure chance that brought us together / tore us apart
1) the seeds may very well still be viable
1) sit down and read every single word
1) love letter beginning with bowels?
1) love that burst forth like a dambuster
1) the very rich life of so & so

1) all girl
1) the letter said
1) i ain’t after nothin’
1) one is meaning to do nothing
1) nufun
1) some movie
1) lung flung
1) gigantic blob of toner
1) prettey
1) let it go big
1) i’m trying to disremember
1) friend freind
1) click quick

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