Saturday, December 26, 2009

"i read it & it did not change my life" (from "the P.B.")

start hard, languishing in
bargain bins, wha is complicity.
computer literacy, the good
old days are back again, like
nineteen twenty-three, bareback
bar rack, outside reasearch,
back on toe, due to dew, 2.
never give up, a nest is not enuf,
a grisly bear in the backyard,
might still care, double zed,
even if it ain’t licked, did
somebody say break, didn’t
mind, off the web, our collective
quilt, what is not art?, seven
thirty-two, design by way of,
ssub-current, dark gradations,
i read it & it did not change
my life, airtext, going down
into th’ pit, blank pain time,
ruin nation, quit calculating,
sounds like the name of a
porno mag: beaver club,
subtitle this, missin’ tea
jay, no such thing as an
insignificant detail,
the great wall of books, was
in the spring one sunny day,
eye do wanna do this, convene
, poor stage, even paid the non-
bulk rate, as supposed to, no dice,

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