Monday, December 28, 2009

"review mere roaring" [P.B.]

Motif, we are here, maybe
we are reading the
wrong one, sell
themselves, ease of
eye, all that work,
pushing the write
buttons, get heckled,
don’t give us that next
time bullshit, remember the
trick, one eff, wicked candle,
as we look back over the events
of the three days we cannot
beleev our eyes, hollow graphic
sez it all in the part, witches
like getting into notions, all
time ate destruction, no one
der, charmfull, let us get this
trait, also the boxes, where
does stuff come from?, burn
thru sigh naps, knot meant to
be got, is it on now?, glass is
off, meant to be sent?, which
weighs up, sum to fly, elect
row particles, defective
journals, review mere roaring,
hears a hint, people outhere,
operations moving, repack
it all away?, connect all,
edge crucitest, just another ego
death, god city, thru the transom,

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