Thursday, March 11, 2010

"saint upidity"

the zombie ninja poet is collecting
dust, this is visual communication,
where does the copy go, with faith
in the present, we need more pennies,
damn right i stole it, i was going
to say something, it’s not illegible
if you already know what it says,
the house is still there, dear
stefano, a photocopy of nothing,
the last thing i have to say, now
annotate the annotations, ain’t
saint upidity, i’d rather not be
referring to at all, yer
fuckin’ unedjukated, folding
issues, here’s another folding
issue, you’re going to unfold
it anyway, came out blacker,
the solidity and the dust,
that’s a ten dollar bill, it’s
a fragment of a ten dollar
bill, e-mail makes language
fly, every time i copy this
it comes out different, now
you know how much of a
monster i am, put a lock on
the school door, i put an
annotation right on it, now it
is worth more, talk about
credit where credit is due,
the weight of it is gone,
it all depends on how your
french is,

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