Friday, March 12, 2010

"total flow"

in place of light, solved in advance,
flowed tex, eye tell a size, comes
a burthen, find the price of a
photocopy, the absence of meaning,
how it got to that level,
fluctuating around zero, start
keeping track, still another out,
getting quite a collection, has
been changed, a zine called glitch,
two three two, two thru to, avoid-
dance, relate fake, couldn’t make
hide nor tail out of it, unbounded,
a day later, two to four grammes,
real persons, float them down
river, satsuma blank, the left
open to, don’t mind all the ads,
is it real or is it memory?,
holding off the inevitable,
wise acre, the kind of shit that
will kill you, distract us from
the real, no question of spending,
immediate environmentalism,
cover the cost of total flow, it’s an
institution, sub tend, thru from
ab ovo, explorde out the back,
where she stops nobody knows!,
refusing to vote, forthcame!,
a page from the book, hot young
canlit, unburyable, inparticulate,

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