Thursday, March 11, 2010

"smashing the state begins at home"

you can’t see the orange but
you know it is there, maybe
they have not lost touch with
themselves, the dripping
faucet is morse code, what
do you prefer: the living or
the dead, maybe you’ve got
your shoulder to the wrong
wheel, the dead are still
kicking, smashing the state
begins at home, real actual
shit, why has this arisen
again, include a real penny,
did we miss the boat that
sank, we always need more
punishment, it’s a painting
duh, what is the machine
doing, don’t do that, oh i see
what it’s doing, it’s pretty:
what’s wrong with pretty, all
the colour has been bled, the
original going backward,
include god, some of the
blanks we intended to fill,
all the references you ever
missed, you miss all the
references to certain things,
saint eam,

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