Monday, October 11, 2010

"communications consoles"

brother can you spare a dime,
antique photocopies are nice,
kundalini, stoner art, positive
pornography, noone for council,
we have better things to do with
our money, photocopies of books,
farm art, gunk art, boredom
contests, rain rien nevermind is
looking over your shoulder from
kansas, fringe or even beyond
the fringe artists, wine paper
person, penetration time,
communications consoles,
sub-consciousness raising,
word-walking, tastes like a
supermodel, feather on the
breath of god, chaotic events,
if not in then, epigraph
halcyon in cyclone, untada,
moonpie, i’m forgetting you
and your birthday, happiness
is found and lost and found,
malsign, snailworld, save on
meat, garbage with poetry
written on it, oemreman, eet,
becoming a real facebook
personality, fishing for big
fish, animate art, look at the
sun for a second, now we have
refreshed our knowledge,
the knowledge we were trying
to forget, unobliteratable,

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