Saturday, October 02, 2010


how to fit two hundred and thirty-
one pages onto fourteen, there’s
no poetry in the poetry issue,
speaking of crystal meth, why
would you want to take this away
from your kids, no cahuenga,
who’s your face, blood sealed
in, seventy-six hours straight
banjo playing, haul everything
forward, why this sheet is
particularized out, no more nor
less than photo copies, panty
scan, a firm believer in the
anal orgasm, beef up passwords,
looking for what’s looking,
but we are real world compatible,
nmfg, it hot change back to i
thot, stand on street with sign:
willing to work today, i love
you: pass it on, a nice textury
place to print the poem, if
this is the low price then what
is the high price, out of
memory at line seventy-nine,
hat in she why lure, hung gun
up, zen begin, why am i paying
this penny, there is always room
for a little poetry, local
art lady, kaligraphy, hatted
batters, fanjuls, bateys,
coerced labor, lidere,
boredom purveyors,

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