Thursday, July 18, 2013

"voodoo lily"

voodoo lily, amorphophallus
konjac, honey badger, apple bonker,
hysterical bride in the penny
arcade, slow computer movement,
circuit-bending, generous
amounts of fresh, tiss sat, it
looks a little leached, it’s
nice to have a libra to fall
back on, maundy, the national
research council official
time signal, kriegsknechts,
appropriate or adequate
expression, a phase of nonzero,
viau, special containment
procedure, the tolerance
project, the purposes of pain
and pleasure, qazingulaza,
keter, oi toy, strivectin, dry
snow, namazu, music in the
cloud, the cascadia subduction
zone, playtype, ferlin husky,
orange soup, perigree, gorgon
gayathri mantra, penny
cluster, burning girls, the
ethical machine, six figures
including the pennies,
maintain level, movieless,

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