Sunday, March 30, 2008

garanoid, prepare to let go or
destroy, indication of age,
random head, maybe another eye,
info destruction, always already
copied, feel free to alter, not
supposed to show thru, the cure
for shadowlines, do not tonerize,
losing what's already lost, ongo,
nothing goes thru peoples head,
trench love, rubberstamp text,
closing in on the opening, what
every method, various machines,
perfect enuf, serial text, for the
love of rubber, supertrunch, bid
amo, capitalism is a way to
control greed, frog profile,
total lit baby, let the copy
reveal, cupere, bznznzs, klggs,
nothing got forgot, draining
the universe, a note for memory,
cold bile, metamorphosis of
the eye, photo-original, effort
to cut home consumption,
embraces a hard core, blaze
orange, mailing an other dime,
whit is this shit on the paper,
three puttonyos, noble rot, a
kiralyok bora, a borok kiralya,
glued itself back together,
horses' birthday,
an imaginary line, the study of
wings, the cost of hockey, font
memory, is the ink water soluble,
art is more important than, time
is the great physician, and the
beat goes on, taking five years
to dry, hosts community events,
a critical illness rider, that
bad smell is coming off your
face, liked to wear strange
hats, eye saw your work on a
blog, canadian postal codes,
clusterphobia, pink collar, the
paper chain, omphalmos, eyes
closed or half, cantalope
my head exploded, orange
chicken, pink is the navy blue
of india, art spectroscopy, all
you need to know, radical
faeries, love and what it is,
schierling, revisite, the rolls
royce of cars, guess identity,
time puzzle, practice doing
without time, the directions
are in flux, cross wits,
anxious proportion, feels
like rubber, the days of the
week in every language,
anagrammar, gmx, hat super,
bright idea unrealized,
follow thru on this, these
people during war,

Friday, March 28, 2008

andrewrileyclark 88arc88 revises one


theology for four nanas, leaf
teapots, think "stet", wall
bemused, vie deus key, king loot
that ex-, pleasurable old, no
arena freeze to start, look same a
female, putty or flint is then
look flesh, lob with pickup truck
floozies, thaw dominoes grant
heavy toys, in languished ease,
hose scabbard hose, swan
aviary sequester, "stet" again
libations, no toot no shroud
a shack quiche, Obediah for
pitchfork, supple, theorize
tarmac smack closely, he
ails draconian, lightnings
of writhing, collect carpenter
on servant lives, funnel box, to
mine any format, shaming orb
pen and thistle, restaurant
nap, grease and ankle, that
those thin ghee reforms, with
battery, the eye we made can't
top reject, hand to mouth flies
overweight, idol thick as shit
it relays wiring, occult their
crate, graph wiring, to every
wait a bauble, tissue suburb
on a mode, sheer poultry gap,
this issue, throne own thrall
for fate, rattle hand who
rattle saw no one, add type
and reflect, there is someone,

ARC revises this one: here
skeleton pursuit, shiver game,
dick duck, moss eros, forget to
write, hockey art, whistling
phreaker, just say no to mail-
art, no cash value: seven bucks,
cholov yisroel, test target,
folie a deux, slouch house,
kindness science, error of the
free copy, the undermind, sow
hat, an great spoon, it's not the
paper object, make it last or
make it first, earmarked for
hockey, up over a grand time,
pandwich, mmmoshpit,

Monday, March 24, 2008

the order of your names, feel
free to post, test the ink, will
be usu, video hockey, looking at
the text, measure or fold, an
area free of art, books are made
of mail, put yourself in the
bookshelf, blow it back up to
full size, what does the giant
have to say, in english please,
whose books are whose, answer
to every question, against
libraries, not too proud to
cash a cheque, on a diet of
birch bark, pullus, use the
term crackers loosely, the
daily canadian, fighting is
everything, elect the harper
conservative, fennec fox, too
windy for a hat, blowing his
penny whistle, rest our ante
up, please hand cancel, what
this thing here is for, math
poetry, the image you want
to project, had to modify
your work, i don't think this
is really writing, cut to the
trace, fingerwriting, not very
water soluble, is this a blurb
or a poem, here's your price tag,
is this you, the one two three
four of it, the art and how
the art was done, abtypen
und spiegeln, here is the one,
forgot to write any more,
what kind of font is this,
finality of mail, cival, lamp
demon, how does the language
work, place on earth, bccr, too
small to feel, redesign the coin,
combinacion de maltas negra
y caramelo, bavaria cerveceria,
no lote y, pilsen cerveza,
spirography, a beer without a
website, what about since
eighteen eighty-nine, forty
dollar bottle, twelve year old
booze, stick to yourself, beware
the snail of selfhood, trance
movements, battlefield
bacteria, schizotype, chi li
ha visti, not always present,
this is today already, hue
as in, hockey versus poetry,
let everyone know, what it says
is not important, ether real,

Sunday, March 23, 2008

froggie went a-drinkin', better
letter getter, imam, your initials,
the eye can tell, to zoom or not
to zoom, good for tot, detourn
flyers, today and the day after
today, when is a cracker not a
cracker, loyalty: no, playing
account, how much money hockey,
black bread white forest, second
thot love, the man with the
yellow hat, blue stained thorny
skate, concrete toboggans, evokes
our collective history, orange
mush, gorditas,
saint anley, golden perception,
purchase and purge, franklin
gothic expedition, long reach,
joo, and on and on, a carrot
meal, bob non, what's your forte,
nap pan krow, the place the eye
always falls, refraining from
contacting, recycled thought,
kveln, wine jelly, ad-factor card,
encouraging and honest cant,
icemelt and tractionaid,
gopher space, consumer-grade
email clients, digital
sweatshops, optical character
recognition, lalangue jouissance,

John M. Bennett responds to one

Re: [fluxlist] i'm a blank seeking a blank

cookin back mirrorbot! vison meat!

B. Blank

RE: this one

aggressive penhandling

inoti, smouth, collapsarian,
saint umble, erumpled, depp
press, realease, discriminalize,
the same thing all over again,
let this blow around in the
street, aitch is for horizontal
man, makemono, order up some
information, autology, ink
style, trash-master, each
fallen robin, penhandling,
unfettered banana slide,
orangefish, sell a vibration,
apposition, moss baggie,
powercheque, this is a drawing
of it, general instructions,

Saturday, March 22, 2008

violet stribe, may back, cascadia
independance, antinori, nine
nine nine, valedicere, stills
to fill the void, tubifex worms,
vison, babyspit preverbs, gray
science, mirrorbot, hollywood
babylon, peacock meat, live on
light, neurophone, breatharian,
the original post, view source,
postal delay, medicine with-
out borders, planarchy, pop
snakes, i'm a blank seeking
a blank, heurisis, continental
trance, clever hopes expire,

Friday, March 21, 2008

always already aware, post
to be, includes a hit, trim
variation, ih, the webbing
liquifies, zorch,
puntification, handtyping,
no time will elapse for you,
fire prone, media lo, i think
i'll buy some of those, four
pasted up, tomago, the
new version of your
signature, strange way of
doing, three oh two, four
oh eight,

land strewn of psych mail
sorting, focal renal sabers,
encroach, exclaim stop the
swat, please make antennas
in some, nefarious palatial
in some vial, reach, animal focus,
spurred our species, try
board's lengthy maps, surface
her higher raunchy, the two crocuses
focus luscious senses, food
complaining without frothing,
python, saleable druid,
suspicious for albumen
repressed axioms, pounce claimant,

this one by ARC (andrewrileyclark: 88arc88) in response to: good painting about nothing
egg paper, a lot depends on
the font, should be deleted
or destroyed, exchange drafts,
google sibberidge, everybody
hogging the computer, mossy
den, teletextuality, trances
hence, micro-industrial, page
faker, here's a hard hat,
enjoy having classes, visinewave,
every piece of paper, ma hat ma,
gaze into the void, finding
versus being given, auction
nothing, you see this little
fleck, two thousand errors,
preprint, dwenv, spend to save,
get off the fence, ruse you,
notch it up, drapeau de ten,
lauren tides, you relax, the
noise the typewriter made,
spoof art, backyard race,
swirling down the drain,
the unfinisher, sleeping is
working, show up nice, enkidu,
responsion, errands how
horrible crime, grossteste,
demalion, reproduce the sun,
tramping the moss, blogjob,
mummy wheat, waste pixels,
a hand-drawn copy, mailing
is foisting, concrete maybe,
encre, ex marks the spot that
was, sleep maintenance
insomnia, fatal familial
insomnia, arrhe, anamorphosis,
curious perspecive, the
world's largest lamp, erase
the hierarchy, a total crisis
of consciousness, good
painting about nothing,
dynaton, visible fruit,
conscious of all human
expressions, pronunciamento,

Thursday, March 20, 2008

dangerous marl ponds, get
yourself published, remember
it being larger, enrelavation
time, yawk cab, gnostic cit
song, rev lost cap, marilyn
morrison, dear fool, sign
deterioration, crumbled ears
hammer, irismaimed, photo
art, head melting, attention
vacuum, feel illuminated,
keep it on hand, throng,
a variation on this, a copy
of a pornographic image,
tet, crowbar it, really do,
error will set you free, skim
cream, swirling chaos, saint
ripe, saint rips, turned out to
be a ross egghead, in the beer
kitchen, lily and a rose, temp
fence, speider, set it up in type,
traumwork, an a for the day,
navigate to the bulk folder,
medicine bag, silphium, koto,
subtextualism, exapand,
dadahits, enlightzenment,
drug post, tad ort, taking
paint, toilet paper art, some
nothing special, emma nate,
forth ought, all bound into
a heap, splice it in, get yr,

Sunday, March 16, 2008

and may the best lung win,
three percent shinola, klee
wick, krishnamurphy, dipping
in and out of reality, dex
cant, cinecenta, castle dine,
in a psychotic chaos, sonder
range bot, aide-memoire,
unorder, scissor ross, illedge,
general understanding of
text, losing temper, still
descanting, ten p three,
sandman walrus superman,
sell it on electronic, web
sun, skookum!, eight thou yen,
do not hand write, bold ink,
botanical weapons, mezopticon,
art of the secret perspective,
proof by nine, frangible
bread, the hotdeck, bloqblog,
which way the food flows,
fix signs, tentitorn, equisses,
tog orange, a confessional
hiss of exactness, lazy nickel,
mummy peas, elaia, the irony
point, anam mana, column inch,
to lose the gift of order,
sliding title, mention name,
individual organizations,
never interact, chance end,
elbowdipper, you actually let
someone read this?, this one
was rejected and then accepted,
to this voynich, spooky text,
unpagina, the sort of marks
we make, no matter how you
print it, peristomeapparatus,
never committed any crime,
open to interpretation,
making waste, wailing wall
of language, gyppeswyck,
tigerdragon, cep, imp concrete,
kali graph, candy sigma,

Saturday, March 15, 2008

ycomen economy, erzatz errata,
nonsense strategy, soap duckets,
subreality, e vedi vedi vomitus,
ether realime, e-quit-y, death
psychology, instinet, repetition
of trees, niwida, nowling,
special commodity art, power
analysis, microphonics, indro,
new day meaning, brain-
sturm and brain-drang, drop
the commas, black specs,
the mai was stopped, all
out lost friends, still
drunk, naver attend,
money destroys art, align
yourself with nothing, hey
my head, declaration of trade
name, mcproog, elytra
harboring cryptorrynchine,
early online, strange
documents, intelligent see,
listen silent, itch catalode,
not going to play your crazy
game, hypnotic revolution,
blame it on the cosmic rays,
lairotide, efforts to converse
with human, zillipede, can
eye, cum index, moss indeed,
labour writing, still have to
let it go, dream questions,
the river saint one, supply
chain it, high-fashion hat,
the unbloggable, moss growing
on a stone statue of buddha,
nonash, rumoli chanting rue
fina, perrottetii, everything
appears to be art, sweet
alisoun not madness, from
the herbarium to the library,
pol ink, apocarpum on
concrete, cosmic war, beta-ray,

Sunday, March 09, 2008

via Allan Revich

of moss

pigeon underground,
dorothory ram a line
money consecration

monty c.

Allan Revich

nothing needs to be undone

pigeon wheat, run underground,
dorothory, ram a line a,
liotrichous, the mind of
unknowing, mossy books, avoid
fame, saffron-fearer, wehere
applicable, mosso, stagger lee's
hat, bee time, mossages, a
derirable parasite, every
letter is a letter-bomb,
institution of soil, thank
blank, organ fur, la t e a,
yell, m o a b, nothing got
cut off, the replication
process, makey, forget the
money, consecration of moss,

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Allan Revich responds/revises

a rain of shredded hats

skin tone blue curve
the hat that is gone
unique registered

the blue triangle
the idiot-savant-garde
mental termites

(re: this one

MATTING DIVISION - Andrew Riley Clark

Pronto Danger

Aeroplane Fever

Jerked Discreet

Didactic Vibration

Obfuscation Query

Neutrino Engine

Fumigate Glue

Perambulator Injured

Democratization Bosom

Whetstone Quadruple

Quest Intersect

Illumine Deadlock

(in response to "NOTHING vs. CIVILIZATION" (a previous post here))


calm class, trance forward,
eye hand coordination, reading
down the page, the settling-in
room, seigniorage, cycloptic
state, getting gregarious,
happy to engage in conversation,
grex, a prior eye, markt,
pregroperativistic, tamasika,
parallesis, gatha, the cost of
eating, yamachu, athenian
rest, the antimachines,
amusing physics, canned
chance, seism, a work of
anti-art, noncontemplation,
the enthroning of a nothing,

Sunday, March 02, 2008


try and get an event to
happen, humbrella, is that
all there is to a book?, mind-
sweeper, political rarities,
the king is blind, less float
more sink, tamarix and
anchovies, the seven year
bitch, mossopoly, burying her
coral visage in the mossy
garden, no matter how many
invitations you send out,
see elators, how's this for a
tag: lophozia, interior:
stationary, strange windmill,

plucking the bright mosses

turn junk into art, this is
an excellent piece, when you
finally reached the bottom,
founders poem, the moss gal,
hopes busted, postal detritus
art, go toward blue, post ell,
non-illuminati, the best the,
kindling a fire from moss,
plucking the bright mosses,
johnny canuck, novel of the
land, litter eye see, info road,
anit hors, are you sure you're
the father?, abandon art,
paquerrette, intentionally
bad reproduction, why com,


onto-electrical, merest change,
zeropositive, self as event, inter-
acting with money, white concrete,
cast your mind back, ubberton,
nothing against civilization,
performing yourself, majordomo,
dip back to nineteen-twenty one,
e-vocate, foreclusion, opposites
melted together, hanjin
container ship, containerization,
americanocentrism, vifa one,
pop your eyes wide open, pencil
on toner, here's your mike, the
human body comes as a shock,

phrase junky

paper detector, britannic hey,
has electronic, sugjestion,
botters, bikin, sand lot cluster,
golden cluster, hyper ballein,
two dollars per minute, skin
tone, blue curve, the hat that
is gone, unique registered, the
blue triangle, the idiot-savant-
garde, mental termites, rain
of shredded hats, eels collide
hunching, you forgot yr hat,
unpunctuation, phrase junky,
ignore the offending pages,
visual reference, forgot the
lines, the fascist panties,

Saturday, March 01, 2008

pick a phrase, any phrase...

the canadian ballet,
raincheque, postal collision,
novabux, idle pride, unable to
define a single species, highly
merchandisible, dirt bag
science, wisdom comes from
failure, moon-soaked moss,
two antagonistic forces in
development, gestalt craft,
wild mossed american, the
demonstration of such
reality, moss-ball, tussis
nervosa, a lolling stone
slathers no boss, immug,

don't be blank!

a single sheet torn into four
pieces, what particular
mountain is this, a lot more
living room, pun nup, inscription
corner, blank plastic, and the
one, pain tain, aka alias, become
calm, dealing with poets, rezd,
jute garden, eko, serve a new
purpose, take car of, the
catalog is more fun than
the things themselves, mail
face, madagascar moss, un-
stamp, corral hands extended,
between concrete and macadam,
don't be blank!, the concrete
page, snailbird, thumbsnail,

blank and empty

vacillator, house smelling,
a man whose voice was as loud
as that of fifty men together,
bulbul, weeping spoons, force
sing, babble flush, nymo,
ray jay copyright, blank and
empty, awedition, my press,
coin flow, not meant to be
read or deciphered, behidnin,
all envelope no content,
three dimensional chaos
collage, crank out language,
jacking with dishpan hands,
learning to say eye, light
junk, eye money, oxsana,

mass trance

war is over, the blasting
eye, popular metaphysics,
consecration of moss, steadily
approaching unity, hypoxilie-
nine, the spleen factor,
feebly interlocking, blank
events, long distance events,
error fluid, toner eyes it,
copy cop, flying in fly,
any knowledge you once had
gone, what hill, phylazy,
current digs, make the
combination, image writer,