Saturday, November 06, 2010


genuine nineteen-eighty-five mexican
photocopies, cybernauts, note fold,
all we want is just one book, the
year bearers, ataraxia, terreño,
autohistoricization, mineoism,
enigmatic and completely
hilarious, business fiction,
chair of ling, salcichoneria,
the concrete aerial bridge, milug,
failed to show at the gig, did
you ever think you might be
addicted to it, overdocumented,
account author, desires sex
and death: not necessarily in
that order, a word that would
not let us go, i forget what the
little bits were, hued and
cried of each’s colour, pointing
you towards trash, put the
magic spin on it: it never stops,
is the ink getting gray, nothing
goes to waste, depends on who
the author is, the early history
cancelled, the evolution of
the seahorse, obzine, you set
me free, minor crime, blank
as newly fallen snow, you can’t
just add a couple of letters
out beyond the justification
line, let the typewriter do the
talking, which do you prefer
the copy or the original, this,

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