Saturday, November 20, 2010

"the seam"

sideways dee, the actual moss,
total waste of ink, bunch process,
see what you think, what
photograph?, what writing?,
blue equals white, even better
(even worse, waste of toner,
really collage, which is it?,
free!, the same these me the
seme, the seam, how we are
changing, mixed in with,
every, whenness, dread reason,
tongue oppressor,
hypersensitivity to acoustics,
a national trance, harmonious
enjoyment of a common, economic
and historical context, eye
surrounded by not-eye,
about to big in, she inserting,
the colon of crys, still
active ?, mindmade & is led,
end to psychic all war intestine,
the it inside, over the return,
must be ness, four different
writing instruments, deunite?
, class contest (grade five,
synth you mention, mind
connected with aitch, still
exploding, ta king of time,

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