Saturday, November 27, 2010

[see longhand]

not colour coded, the only
true friend of poetry,
how about a game of babble?,
buy the time, think you can
read?, a poor thesis, what
was goin’ on up there?,
who let the whole thing in?,
just us & this peace of
paper, little r revolution,
blank it state meants,
unshrunk, this bird-like
shape (shifter, eternal
occurrents, slipping tru,
this paper is n’t saint and
hard, taking care of busy
ness evry day, [see lh], or
itchin?, expensive words,
place to go, mid loathing,
confusing things, did for
us, class eye, we have
people, the last of it,
mist roving, entropy play,
visited each other in the
places, went your way,
make any frenzy, bulk c ode,

the longhand

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