Saturday, November 13, 2010


pulling back from the edge, hit
the dark button, the starry so
far, what the paper is supposed
to be used for, robot writing
machine, the chose was, british
columbia is a maritime province,
do it now, bone journey,
holding a house, a joint-
knowing, anatta nobody,
what is sharing?, scotomization
not sodomization, out of us’,
over sighs, talking war,
whose italics?, ex-centric
to himself, lit odes, a mute
trance, i got a readache,
scoptocracy, megaphonics,
canadian commodity poetry,
sigh tax, cum oddity, change
the cover, al(read)y, drawning
connections, new desire,
it was an air or, section mark,
jumped or was pushed out,
potential modern, the
pounding above, where
did that speck go?, hey
hey easy on the eyes eh!?,

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