Tuesday, February 23, 2010

APR 16 2008, 9:00 pm

1) snoot first
1) follow up a pawn
1) unanno
1) artisticki
1) never got tog even
1) four years of impressions
1) remember good enuf
1) the day it did
1) sometimes we feel like unfolding
1) here, here’s what we really think about you
1) you have to unfold to see
1) stilling the to and fro
1) collage detritus
1) why do you consider this an affront?
1) yes we did communicated to & fro
1) a block or two to the left or right
1) things we never did nothing with
1) is this available on the net?
1) and now still most recently
1) yes, we know generally what is inside envelopes
1) reading still reading
1) & you are still coming thru too
1) before it all fell thru
1) did you read every word?
1) yes, we did, as you may have forgotten, humm
1) couvert
1) some sort of plan
1) the dead end stops here
1) these things keep cropping up

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