Saturday, February 13, 2010

JUN 29 2008 (pm) 7:00

1) how can you remember? you were drunk
1) the wild north west
1) jail movies
1) make a mash out of literature
1) great canadian cone
1) the stamp is gone
1) crackocracy
1) one refuses to buy any more books
1) it looks like it was trimmed with a certain amount of care
1) trace the shape of the paper
1) why?
1) fourteen is the age
1) i wonder if these would still work
1) how is your credit rating?
1) penny reversal
1) anneal
1) there was three of us (at least)
1) Argusy
1) computernik
1) heroin
1) prodigal, essay, navigate, ambiguous
1) mortmain
1) Mary Elizabeth Braddon – Run to Earth
1) jabber jabber
1) lasp
1) The Ideoloogies of Theory: Essays 1971-1…
1) the moment you started buying postage
1) translation sees methods
1) microprinting by the baby
1) a big word for a little thing: hemidemisemiquaver
1) two copies: what’s the problem?
1) sixty-two tweet tweet
1) on that note: phone
1) laval level

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