Monday, February 15, 2010

"thru point"

before we real eyes, the original
is in the mind, black & blue
ink, all ready all wrong,
flyable?, thot that was your
name, the event of enter, who
are ya callin’ a reader?,
error zen, look who’s talkin’
(slick, it’s fun to thing, the
letters start to float off
the page, computer waste,
it’s got my name on it, it’s a
god eat god world, perceive
all, ground speech, in an
institution (u, an explanation
of the word, paper with a
thru point, limit: ate
sideways, after that, thanks
for your energy, interrupture,
nerve talk, somebody rented
it to them (your name &, the
point at which we (should
have) bailed out, car tomb
lit, gest(etn)ure, a sunden
word bug, undetermination?,
undifferentiation?, contra
verse, memomimeo, the
person versus the text,
nay bore, the other vict,

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