Friday, February 26, 2010

"cleaning gentleman"

low que, all these minds, can
you do anything with this?,
the sounds of paper, these
workers, low yes gone no, in the
wrong section, watermarked
paper, knowledge is magic,
suboriginal, entered into the
text, on the way to writing,
novelty time, all original ink,
a what?, in the forge(ry of
my soul, the dead giveaway x,
zoo semiotics, you see me,
some actual work going on,
pissed all over myself, z’eyes,
these eyes, invisible writing,
so shall ism, cleaning
gentleman, tertiary real
estate, the desired trench,
info nt found, no room for the
downstream, succinkt, we
don’t really get money,
sealed ink, a partial
vacuum lifts, sudden net,
save place, get your motor
running, a simple ate &
a half by eleven sheet of
pay per view, thoese daze,
and the winner is, eye eggs,

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