Friday, February 05, 2010

JUN 18 2009 (am)

on going, rabbit chasing rabbit,
yes i will answer to karen eliot,
poon bomb, limited reproduction,
cyber-sympathizers, catch that
ole cannonball, inscape moss,
kobel, self-portrait by detritus,
astir yo, one unagi, izakaya,
overcheese, quatchi, actually
coughing up money for aitch,
never go swimmin with bowlegged
women, the age of concrete, the
concrete bunker, toxic paper,
contango, wamp, lakh, tael,
spectacular trance, cymbals
his hunger embarrasses, mujlas,
it was the hat, punchcutter,
boomer-generation poetics,
the long march through the
english department, textual
sedimentation, the concrete
moment, mackin, moss in anus,
these texts are too much for
the page, the future remains,
shoehorn the text into the,
potato tat op, as long as the

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