Tuesday, August 26, 2008

explanada, a copy of nothing, blank
quarter, what is your take on this text,
as a potential page, how many of these
little words do you need, do not attempt
to contact the author, beed beer, you
can’t publish that, if you can’t pay it
publish it, a whiter blank, the king’s noise,
actually pay the thing, filter out later,
little bar, awestruck eating, get behind
the juggernaut, every birken, recognized
electro-tripper, takes soon, your dropping
of, women mail, a hundred dollars
worth of gas, ununderline, this key,
withdraw your last twenty, how to turn
a penny into two pennies, not intending
to fly anywhere, all links are related,
nickle copy, do you want a receipt,
woodstock electrite, kurgans, ushanka,
heaviosity, egocasting, hoglint, clustered
upward, crack researchers, epistaltic
poetry, put the dekes out, the rising

Monday, August 25, 2008

nothing lasts forever. but nothing else does

a non-acheiver, an anti-acheiver,
urushiol, i'm a sumac, rus!, one
has been discarded, readymade
atc, timor merit, the colour known
as eighteen-oh-five, why is this
so black, i remember larissa,
you and i side by side, grld thai
chick, the worst hours of the
whole trip, little saint paul,
lact butter, vorce, leaning towards
beauty, nothing lasts forever,
not even eternity, pennyworld,
slumping towards beauty, one is
grounded, bi: polar? or sexual?,
pecha kucha, metadata, trance
living, stealing garbage, got
soul?, beautiful diseases,
having semantics, possessing

Sunday, August 17, 2008

aspects of hockey, after the
north, serious writing in a
funny font, why wait for time
to pass, the swoops of the ink
nozzle, a painting of a photo,
homerow, his eyes changed to
sad pennies, the dvorak layout,
racing typists, temporary
enlightenment, cracking
hockeybased explosions,
classical hiphop and early,
average poet income, designated
by being unmarked, clip-on
hair extensions, something you
wrote five years ago, the
page is always already full,
an edition of zero, keep going
with the insanity, bind along
the mainline, a perfectly good
book, emphasize nothing, gold
text, text it, subvampire, binary
clouds, electronic cubes,
single hands, i am no expert,
more lumber, give black,
machine tongue, ex-this,
keep them both, find the
reality indicator, commune
for nothing, the right to
participate in being
exploited, this sheet,
mitumba, nadsat, mooks,

Saturday, August 16, 2008

This is thot bubble number,
It looks longer than it is, her
Grace the duke, pornography
Is in the eye of the beholder,
Slump busters, road beef,
Forced to cluster, concrete
Jail, author activity, orange
Newspaper, songthaew, gratis
Hat aphasic, Buddhist
Photocopy, dump-surfers, raki,
Concrete truth, dunk lamp,
Junuary, nympholepsy, the
Huge chesthouse of his elders,
Reason codes, abulia, the
Continued free exchange of
Works of art, appropriation
Art, comprehensive exhibition
History, facture, how do you
Know when the chaos is ripe,
Hypercynicism, pf, saint opper,
Nothing normal, a silent sort
Of music, crazy font though,
Analphabeten, cut your way
In to the text, daymark, none
The wisdom, xzends, this ends,
Deep crunt, it doesn’t matter
If you like the text, acid
Arrow, this is definite,
Plenty of blank yet, in and
Of, montely, mind door,
Smudgepot, still stopping,
Girl with gun, throw key,

Nothing gets capitalized in my world.

textual hockey, turn of the
century schoolbook, illedgible
fonts, eye hate language, road
art, battlemech, beef persistent
hash, call it hump, henressy
crump expolled, rotary mossed,
hat in the ring, bowler hat maybe,
spend it all on milk, zero sero,
the nothing at the centre center,
what does faq mean, menasha,
dream up a use for this, pogonip,
rustre, h - exceptional consonant,
pignoration, ensign the hidden
cachet, pill crow, a secret noise,
living on paper, eel pro, why
wouldn’t all be well, still
smilin’, fading credit, what
ought to be on postage stamps,
boucher, link odd, could be ray,
letters floating in water,
give a leg, the nearest cat,
kunstrausch, the country of
noland, jack of all suits,
tennis snake, selvis, busy being
artist, the new shakespeare,
holding your own head, did not
have a self, fluctuation of
flesh, whittier, young enough
to grow a beard, devilfishcake,
selray, the world’s biggest
pinto bean, an autobiography
in postage, red fish blue fish,
be onion, you have to build it,
drowning in text, tongue it,

Monday, August 04, 2008

subgold, a little chickenscratch,
everything is in a trance state,
akmak, minor brain, from node
to node, the iron is melting,
no halo, city of of city, actual
controls, individual standing in
for institution, take a picture
of your work, take a picture of
the text, fire melts ice, aint
say alert, the mechanics of war,
how is anyone supposed to read
this, bright-line copyright,
patty cake, put your money where
your anus is, white bread makes
you gag, you have already been
played, price hike conspiracy,
cons piracy, might be out by a
day, christmas refund,
relative deprivation theory,
pygarg, tergiversation, kill
insomnia, miskito, bruant zizi
or cirlgors, urban camels,
the brain police, photo-based
mafia, playing dumb on
cronyism, the untenured
radicals, counter-culture
munchkin, hegemony
enjoyed by conceptualism,
painter as vampire,

Sunday, August 03, 2008

binary world, an elevation of
silence, motor neurone, haka,
serialism, extended copy
protection, eating only moss
and gold, sabrage, the
generation of empty thought,
undust, trance blues, eidolon,
clamour ray, post hole, drool
bowl, at twice the price, raw
copy, as far as the toner goes,
nain, the copies vary, the toner
variations, okay elegant, five
is a million, choose nothing,
ex-art, temporary copy, the
actual thing, no need to
satisfy, blue blit, nochoice,
white wrong, raining turkeys,
facing the signs, this is
twenty oh six, usufruct,
cataphile, cheated by happy
endings, the daily dreadlines,
armchair urban explorers,
anarchist commune, illegal
society, countercultural
hordes to emigrate, a hardhat
and a clown nose, hands and
hats and clouds,
zealousy, reverse your decisions,
what is with all these words,
bind them up into books, damn
cluster, no this is an error,
revert to teat, stands out more,
hat ninety-eight, a zine named
alot, separate the infrathin
layers, no line on the original,
purple bubbles, inhouse toner,
still penny, blank shore, look
struck, eye money, do lsd, what
still, various stuck, grok teat,
undercharge paper, at three
cents a side, free milk, alot
meant, concrete lab technic,
talismanic images, schizoid
solitudes, concrete sensuous,
callithumpian, satyagraha,
vessels of entropy, the umbrage
industry, death sadness hate
despair and war, the warmth
and sunlight of december,
this little card, permanent
dust, is it real, the elements
of surprise, leaving no trace
the art of, paper politics, new
too late, stop sign, mere mess
art, make yourself part of
the art, do you want to know
the outcome, dust the art,
when is a message not a
message, commemorate
nothing, let this pass,
newspaper lies, doesn’t say,