Sunday, August 03, 2008

zealousy, reverse your decisions,
what is with all these words,
bind them up into books, damn
cluster, no this is an error,
revert to teat, stands out more,
hat ninety-eight, a zine named
alot, separate the infrathin
layers, no line on the original,
purple bubbles, inhouse toner,
still penny, blank shore, look
struck, eye money, do lsd, what
still, various stuck, grok teat,
undercharge paper, at three
cents a side, free milk, alot
meant, concrete lab technic,
talismanic images, schizoid
solitudes, concrete sensuous,
callithumpian, satyagraha,
vessels of entropy, the umbrage
industry, death sadness hate
despair and war, the warmth
and sunlight of december,
this little card, permanent
dust, is it real, the elements
of surprise, leaving no trace
the art of, paper politics, new
too late, stop sign, mere mess
art, make yourself part of
the art, do you want to know
the outcome, dust the art,
when is a message not a
message, commemorate
nothing, let this pass,
newspaper lies, doesn’t say,

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