Saturday, April 26, 2008

invisible comma, asemic sym,
tueri, a self ago, the authority
of scratch, a cast of thousands
broken leg, make a good target,
alot a lot of writing, one
quarter blank, all going,
hemiparese, this was not meant
to be publisht, neurologie: now
you are seeing, went to press
the button but the button was
gone, this is two whole days,
too hole days, the five copies
project, it’s all the same text,
olympian end ever, we are not
talking the same language, the
page will not be missed,
return the page to its original
location, quit writing so much,
picture but, twenty-nine
penny, flat rate publishing,
think yourself free, gift
economy standard, cranium
bender, that hat hurt, reep
review, a cyanide-laced apple,
social inclusion, vivid concrete,
moss and cedar a two kinds
of fur, human characteristics
empathy, the same usual as
always, fermented art, three
hands, when is a beer not a
beer, blank red, north of
nowhere, mendocino, three b,

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