Monday, October 08, 2012

"ayasofya" & "bieng"

saint ride, study garbage,
the sides differ, not for long
term storage, we need still more,
xerox hockey, wasaouro, a sixty
dollar word, someone is watching
over you, if blank is what you
want, a perfect address,
ayasofya, shout for joy, the
tissue of the face, sitting
alright, into the briar, grok,
goon a-blakeberied, petroleum
hat, six impressions, coiffeuses,
fraicheur, pinchbeck, his hand
was made of cardboard,

you are not going to find
yourself looking in here, the
picture without you in it,
never even heard of the picture,
here is the door, where are you
writing from, see more of the
work of, what did you think
about what you read, that’s
the way booklets get done,
time is travel, until the
staples fall out, bieng,
guilty of collaborating,
retroactive publication,
spider squash, small world big,

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