Friday, December 30, 2005

a hill of thorns, be against

a hill of thorns, be against
all forms of oppression, the
war is still now, being there
by way of text, blanko, long
infrared, la or la, christian
insanity, print multiples,
are they the same the same,
fluxus alberta, pin pin yn
vent, anarchyology, who is
your face, obviate poetry,
no time to sell, except by neg,
forward to the door, sift
thru, knuckle pop, poetry
superstar, three giant
ichneumons, imagine your-
self swimming, begs to be
folded longways, here we
have work to do, how do you
pay, rock row, we are all
swimming, writing to the
end, money is death, one is
being cut, down and fall,
postage is money, fifteen
at fifty, labitation, un
dessin, not storing long,
non-eventually, made crazy,
five million bucks, trick
the eye, start at the top,
stuttering reading style,

Thursday, December 29, 2005

x, face only an egg row, same

x, face only an egg row, same
name refers to, waiting for
nothing, human computer,
marmor, medicine trance,
ten twenty-four by seven
sixty-eight, from hand to
hand without comment or
expression, desaparacidos,
enuresis, borg, telamons,
it’s the same old moment,
falling off the list, feel
negative vita gen leef,
toner college, negative toner,
chunk forth, envelope for
tree, money is all in the
mind, millions going,
hereby served upon you,
need to be contacted,
the trip that included
concrete, date correction,
more of an ox, ti eye it,
removed for further use,
active concrete, occupy
copy, send it along, are
pennies got dirty, nega
agen, you can tell by the
bookmark, yes it made an
impression, here’s a hint
hear, this is bad etiquette,

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

playing with real toys,

playing with real toys,
olympia twenty-six, take any
old piece of paper, bionic ego,
wooden stamps, gaze into the
picture, do docu, a little
booklet of text, meme site,
zen suspence, or thereabout,
bring colour, porn frag, how
many times removed from
the original, looks more real
in black and white, what will
be the fate of the text, what-
ever you do do, one as is, hat
eighty-nine, the original
impression, cut forth, come
ocean, where turns come, are
tuum, uncopied no more,
still chalk, laid out for
the camera, prystup, a classic
example happened, genug war
genug, illbience, orange silos,
threehatted, ecto palatinal,
the commodity readers, the
sudden emptiness of the

Friday, December 23, 2005

powhatan, brinkler, access

powhatan, brinkler, access
boxes, fire in system, patent
text, fisher controls, gatha,
mortmain, hats have taken
on the shape of the tower
of babel, moss of old flyers,
demented vegetarianism,
echolocution, funiculars,
colossal house if the
english, further and fur,
mallee, any year between,
trance tax, mature hog,
check yer balance, enuf
alcohol, traditional drunk,
overattention to minute
details, blank day number,
mittelschmerz, aut nunquam
tentes, men-an-tol, emmet,

Thursday, December 22, 2005

shone almost, publishine,

shone almost, publishine,
blank is intentional, lower
case lock, algerian capital,
read read wood, add it together
now or later, raising funds
for celebrities, exliterate,
nad, pan, the invention of the
television, the new normal,
the last crash, the day of the
dans, memory font, the all
important title, ten twenty-
five is gone, aobmil, homeless
in paradise, exmailartist,
jnana, jaba, japa, muon slurpie,
feather hats, any lively
purliteasy, amnis limina
permanent, lead d, riposta,
anitra triestina, eighth-note
high c, kunar trees, dust
kitties clustering, old moss
lies on unturned bones,
bones from the grass and
moss, commitment to the
highest expressions,
compellingly endured in
the heat,

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

is the computer working,

is the computer working,
rascagadam, photobank, busy
being used, hammer up some
guts, collage meister, card
bank, nanotube, spintronics,
trance def, hat extra, mass
meme exchange, warsextreme,
logorgasm, blunt trance,
warm wax, the internet
community, make it into art
right now, turn it from art
back into nonart, subledgible,
the urge to publish, hardly a
sign, art hell, blank pizzle,
imp peach bush orgasm,
tangle theory, never thought
we’d see the time again,
blanko, reisen, palp plap,
double elbowed, dang clung
pause, of course there’s strings
attached, bakuba, one at a
time or, could easily become
art, the begin and the end of
art, no need to say what to
do with it, druk, who has
time has, the error is better
uncorrected, merecat, mere
paper, webdocumentation, rep
per, naamfeest van, who’s yer
face, we thot we, dada dodo,
further understanding, y!
indeed, eat right!, no argue,
this is true, new roses, meme
or eyes, baughx, nails on chalk,

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

not passing any ports, crapula,

not passing any ports, crapula,
is this an active, circus
freaks and poets, voodoo
chateau, interlintel, mash
culture, unthonged, stillage,
depsychologized, worm hockey,
language crystal, only visible
on the copy, where do you find
it, keep seeking you will find,
dot tee kay, how are you going
to add it up, he gives his all
to each stroke, fold it or
not, come as if soon ever, a
useful chunk, take events,
these could be made into a
book, goblin coach, now onal,
foreign red, not a republic,
bulk club boys, interact with
nothing, any relation plural,
indicating the fact that
this is an "original" copy,
innoseal, numb or number,
operate on the past, nothing
is entering nothing, rad
dreamer, foreign koia, now
who, onal this, take throw,
a text, coach wall, grid
fade, write over, false
shart, screw olp, kill off
the moss,

Saturday, December 17, 2005

single sheet collage zin, what's

single sheet collage zin, what’s
the extra inch for, will print on
anything, we all dropped the
bomb, the thing itself is no
longer the thing itself, slash
fandom, kick kick kick, crudzine,
pulpitos, mini-fm, adzine,
hardily curiosing entomophilust,
cluster into rosebuds, samosis,
strombosis, watch the north,
heavy enough to crumble,
eternal chimera hunter,
take off the silk hat!, flash
zoom blog phenom, mind locks,
a highly collective efforts,
berdache, do seek their meat,
nice fall, fool poems, let it
blow away in the wind,
protocol of ions?, paying
attention to nothing, god
and science dominating,
whiteout, one doesn’t putz,
they are going, what are you
doing, the dead present, the
clamour rays,

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

downhill at, the down game,

downhill at, the down game,
felix eras, ink but no paper,
eternal game, reading sleep,
on the toner side, apahackers,
scallop your hat, the bible of
nonbeing, the actually
existing internet, spite fence,
housing complex for example,
a couple of evil hicks, to
stretch forward, private
communities, proxemics,
palmer toledo liverwort, buble,
where the flood hit the art,
because it is not a reproduction,
let your fingertips read, full
name please, still homage,
still further, waste of tit,
rules and regs, the lyrics to
the song, do not distinguish,
global flag, trans-blank,
psukan, read all the fine

Sunday, December 11, 2005

rock wall, this is not a font,

rock wall, this is not a font,
the absence will become blank
presence, hockey-nomics, recycle
brilliance, coffee dunce,
cellular energy levels are high,
print the entire folder, this is
more of an error, saint twenty-
three, italic glare, ex-play,
meant to be folded, golden
measure, compare e-mail clients,
call it a make ready, whole
lotta blank, a different method
of reproduction, picking up a
faint trace of teasel, trim off
the words, you will be remember,
remove without a trace, ghost
trace, no such thing as blank,
one lost comma, a thousand
various versions, the initial
error, coffee fly, points off
in a dozen different directions,
artist supplies, colour original
sin, saint already, twenty-three
fee, glarify errors, pristina
merem, no italics, ex-motion,
play this, newspaper twenty-
three, still columbarium,
yahoo registered, down nigh
seven, some labour we did,
the name of the labourer,
been here longer, high-end
concepts, explaining hard
concepts, baboo, planetary
poet, orange newspaper,

Friday, December 09, 2005

weigh the item up, chaosmosis,

weigh the item up, chaosmosis,
scandisk is running, falls
tart, hockey boots, the original
is still mint, highlight
purchase, useless photocopy,
divide your suffer, original
paper, the state of the piece
has not changed, blank plank,
random address, alienism
silence, antiblog, postal shoes,
kitchen curry, pish language,
how chuffed, still needs to
be set free, how pish, how to
staple, random alien, blank
indication, how how, resume
nothing, what about before,
in the chaos file, chaotic
smear, has a natural orient,
the ride line, right to the
line, how vacuum, how the,
indica hand, still fix,
remove hyperlink, visual
pottery, unblahblahblahable,
borobudor, electric magpie,
hagion chiton eraphon,
saint elibate, do you wash
your garbage, come in handy,
chromemulous, paxillated,
nothing can be done, from
the time of the roman
occupation, the penny is
skyrocketting, concrete
chair, peignoirs, ped xing,

Thursday, December 08, 2005

-23, broadway wheat, still midden,

-23, broadway wheat, still midden,
learn you, throught penny,
a clear sense, infogluttony
yakshas, violet instructions,
egg eight, fulls eyes, the
work-of-art-event, abstract art
concrete art,

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

seven point five per side, page

seven point five per side, page
order may have changed, snap
it see, f-font mania, lexbox,
inhouse makeready, number nine
tee five or so, eye have cadged,
designated destination, road
sutra, trance allowance, empty
shine, extra drawers, invention
poetry, thought analysis, tacky
little pamphlet, rocknews, stitch
and bitch, designate anything
you want, rockpaper, when did it
pick up the speck, the words
petering out, blank invention,
extra empty, road trance,
cross designation, inhouse
colour, anonymous society,
keep the fake, let the original
go, the excitement of the highly
competitive, melismatic,
eco-plasty, iron into my hat,
problem of space, eratum,
free – hat passed, hafoon,
up quarks and down quarks,
compactifies, large hadron
collider, hawking radiation,
hanger chapter endings,
scientist-cum-authors, invade
canada, half tranced, chiffre,
revenant, communicate earth-
heaven, thusness, tathagata,
the blankest gaze, xaos genet,
chaos-feigning surfaces,
a-systasy, virtual trance,

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

ban ray, all permanent, sablefish,

ban ray, all permanent, sablefish,
time insensitive, out of date
out of time, this is up for
sale, copied free, tie pit up,
can we get a trance here,
depends on who rings it in, do
you want the receipt, total
literature bong, dusty eight,
trance seven, all in the bucket,
cyber-risk, odilon species, no
eye, time drr, prairie death,
still visual, faint eight, live
forever in the network, seven
trance copy, copied to be done
what with, the odilon, time no,
still prairie, being in the
wallet, what does kay why
stand for, shira, here is the
spelling of, user fee, as is, can
exist in harmony, imaginary
avenues of cash, humans could
co- exist, the burin, litcam,
webelos, an epochal fedora,
astral potatoes, annatto,
itself-lessly, tzara’s hat,
kaleidoscopic rapidity, tries
to sell hats, encasing cars
in concrete, the starist, from
hat to that, kraal, vipassana,
the nagual, shekinah, the
school of stare, the
assemblage point, diatriba,

Monday, December 05, 2005

still uncopied, eye gag, the

still uncopied, eye gag, the
computer is sleeping, ice game,
eye type, jack up the point size,
still a lot to be written,
survive the fall, subdollars,
everthing is melting, subhead,
kevlar hat, high chief
evervirens, frottola, obloquy,
it almost looks real, wanna
see the whole picture, okina,
the bit of paper that is gone,
this is the chunk, global
airmail, no page to display,
whang wei, can’t get thru,
dayglo toner, what is make,
all involved in making,
anglandia, no more thing
itself, please rotate, hearing
what you think, mention me,
claim a portion,

Sunday, December 04, 2005

maiandra marlett, clearly info,

maiandra marlett, clearly info,
moving sleep, the change over
point, looks for all the world
like real, line ‘em up side-by,
godda use, marzine, whatever
the words are back there, poccnr,
a hundred and seventy-three
centimetres, gesertifiseer,
blingage, tlb, tack ‘em all
together, bothing, boon to,
yellow dig, consent bell, ear
boo, lucinda stands, any pen,
travel curettage, no rotating
needed, toz, enskyment, cluster
of phish, emprunte, winpower
wine, a greater realism,
contemporary domestic warfare,
sousveillance, digital insect,
ech elon, nanny-cams, turbo
mail, smear the ink, gibbosus,
epyllia, etidorhpa, semreh,
the entirety of human
historical civilization, crypto-
nihilism, pseudo-genial blank
horror vacui, ben day dots,
when i hear the word ________
i reach for my revolver,

Thursday, December 01, 2005

radio-controlled pen, one pane,

radio-controlled pen, one pane,
unless we forgot the original,
how did this never get written,
reading between the commas,
the bus to russia, too many points,
saint ultify, forty year old
electric beaters, app rocks, the
dull scratched penny, ursatz,
the hidmost coignings of the
earth, auto-signature, the meta-
cipher, anti-sceptic, an economy
of waste, breakdancing
concrete, atl seventy-one dot
dll, the edition is infinite,
para-ceptual, translate the
english into more comprehensible
english, to break or not to break,
no gum needed, artflux, dabocaca,
postal trance, it’s a split, edof,
go with promise, the power to
print, eye sab, photocopies a
piece of paper, similar to the
fact, are you doing your best,
things get out of your hands,
making some sort of impress,
a rhapsody in bed, the search
is on, very incidental, tisue
wrapped, from colis to alpha-
bet, sing the letters, auto-auto,
makes printers of us all, she’s
not saying nothing, spelling
out noise, one to three, very
anti, correspondulence, white
out is paint, it’s about, hiku,