Friday, March 27, 2015

"meconopsis betonicifolia"

penny candy, tea egg, infinite
jesters, meconopsis betonicifolia,
oclc number, bill of ladling,
diltiazem, it just did,
fccoggc cluster, accucore,
quantic ritual, praying for
noise, little girl smoking this
is not a pipe, deuteragonist,
a health card that’s expired,
caius is mortal, emptiness as
hip and cool, unipolar dysphoria,
involutional depression,
psychotic depression, blk and
concrete, pruntifora, watch
your points, any way to adjust
the spacing, orange intel,
rossmere road, eatroute, the
balancing pool, pluctuation,
seven zero zero four four one
seven, in a word: postal detritus,

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