Tuesday, May 12, 2015

"vinalia trippers"

saint ipend, colloidal silica,
boustrophedon, dry drunk,
formula c, valeriana
myosotis, engaged couple high,
jackboot jenny, vinalia trippers,
one enters the system, three
six eight nine two, tax twists,
     O  0 o      o      o o
cb cluster, nooner, you can
call me donald, postal war,
by idiots for idiots, low cost
printing, herb noted for making
geniuses, the full cupboard
of life, how to get free new
cars, do you want to be rich,
oh that my heart could arrive
and my head fill a book,
cognitivism, theory of the
state of exception, homo
sacer, auto-poetic, cultural
capitalism, ersatz community,
happiness studies, cultural
imperialism, sia bands,
black goo, constant corbels,
lost pages, sorry for the

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