Monday, April 05, 2010

JUL 17 2008, (am) #1

1) orbilicious
1) an odd habit of leaving out the province
1) too much message
1) i need four voices
1) no way to know what future marks the paper will take
1) how is this given to you?
1) letters like iron filings to a magnet
1) what matter what machine?
1) google merkabah
1) that ain’t funny, that’s sick
1) those tell-tale e’s
1) how’s about just the first panel?
1) inflate the orb
1) i am asking for an explanation of this
1) interlocking randomage
1) chuck chick
1) mamaroneck
1) hocketting
1) you can see the silk
1) are you good or bad?
1) in the moment of performance
1) things being realized
1) if the thing is a u n i t
1) yipes indeed
1) the gaping maw The Gaping Maw
1) hurry up and die young
1) zenaida
1) ubu dada voodoo
1) it takes a village to make an idiot
1) paper has a way of malingering
1) do you mean to say it’s ten times bigger?
1) zine wild
1) i’m bleeding out all over the place

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