Saturday, April 10, 2010

"taximeter cabriolet"

paper skin, poebit, thing s start
floating around, texts as lumber,
history: the establishment of causal,
nowhere for it to go, radiation
bathing, evoked harness in
clarity, handpressed, what’s
wrong with metaphor, bop!,
during the flood, logo echo,
the metaphysics of concrete,
tasking for it, daunt taste,
look no w here, sort of
language are we talkin’?,
dire erections, the dish king,
taxometer, the big car, yer
not suppost to look in here,
ink possibilities, each atom
exploding, explodations, out
of know where?, lover cover,
interdictionary, disengagé,
good new daze, cartoon
realism, lack king, books
plural, paper’s kin,
deluge-ed, getting yer feet
wet, w, lick king, versus
getting trench foot, still
hoping, dig money with
s hovel, eh eye are, turn
a phrase, into deep, out,

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