Tuesday, June 21, 2011

"zen fascism" & "eruke"

there’s a number of things that
could be done with this text,
this text is limited, a project in
mind, let’s send the blue ones to,
stepping stones the mind had to
use, and what would various
brains make of this, poetscard,
zen fascism, big mailout project,
wherever the eye happens to fall,
why only the one text, a lot of
semi-brilliant phrases, mere
roll thru, i’d like to google
some of this, this text had
another life, we are not sure
why, text goes where, only no,

put this text on your to do list,
cyberarcade, now i am referring
to you directly, analana, one
remembers the day in general,
and then you will be the echo,
zimmerman, you oughtn’t to be
encouraging, we did hello,
eruke, some things we will
remember for ever, you can’t
get thru to that moment,
the tuff way, fort bugs,
shoulda sent directly, how
it might have gone diff, ripe,
when the duct tape was fresh,

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