Friday, February 20, 2015

"fabry-pérot interferometer"

kleshas, fabry-pérot interferometer,
fussballclub zürich, kitten shaver,
let go and let satan, codependency,
signs of literature, pick six craft
pack, orange globe cluster, plotto,
women cluster tears, necrotrophic,
fluffernutters, transcranial
magnetic stimulation, downward
causation, the capacity of higher
emergent entities, evitability,
a modicum of anal leakage, i
did not mean to write that again,
watch the street, constant
realization of objective moment,
mint clown, i broke the chain but,
chicago never happened for you,
what can you give, give a hug,
phony baroni, toner patterns,
pussy is something, giganto boobies,
pregnant dominatrix, lay the
penis down between her breasts,
focht sandor, pink, purple, maroon,
violet, chipped clown, pink heart,
kasugaoka itami, ricotta
affumicata, crossville alabama,
eric langolff, changing your
place of residence, the damage
makes it an original, cut
into oh three,

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