Saturday, July 17, 2010

APR 05 2008

1) grufo
1) error of nature
1) hoooh! there was something in my coffee
1) Ralph Nader – Crashing the Party
1) sewing destruction
1) who has got the biggest bestest printer?
1) the inside of the crater is fertile
1) who should crop up
1) patina of obliterations
1) the language floating underneath
1) what should we call the weasel?
1) ceramike
1) read dimensional
1) bay tek
1) sack art
1) social enigma
1) skeeball
1) gosch
1) coping with art
1) joe eye row
1) drink schotter’s glue
1) andaclinktic
1) bysen
1) i added this cut / i added this line
1) global liberation
1) slab of pins
1) snot block
1) bentchat
1) hold the paper up in the sun
1) leave it be or alter it?
1) sunt
1) sunk
1) tambien gronk
1) nothing needs a name

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