Friday, May 13, 2011

"zackistan" & "your bedroom face"

zackistan, railrooded imagery,
unidentified chemical objects,
the fourteen secret masters,
the nut ruin in silton, xerox
music, voluntary zero-worker,
a general in the army of the
unemployed, happy prisoner,
irritainment, syphon-music,
modelo agoing, infinity as text,
cathar paydirt, the libidinal
gaze, funny old font, it
appears to be blank but,
language is in control,
tonerface, let’s colour,

your bedroom face, being with the literature, the page is a box
is a prison, traffic-free websites incorporated, tending towards
success, penny-letter, penny-a-letter, hand on hat, a million
miles away from the original, active art, just listen to the
paper as you pick it up and put it back down, there is going
back, happy to see that get chopped off, that black alberta
shaped thing, what will arrive on the blank page, waylove,
actual war,

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