Thursday, September 22, 2011

"social capital"

paper is for losers, haywire
pyramid cap, pennies galore,
atomic bedrooms, liststyle,
fifteen cents on the bottle,
the proof is in the print, ginger
cluster, on a paper trip, nary a
penny, electrons cluster,
sumbebekota, occult potential,
on-the-street rolling
blackboards, the hard edges of
the city, history was embedded
in class, social capital,
self-formation, an anti-
commodity, fiesta culture,
nomadic unemployment,
the stage where significant
work is eliminated from
the life-history of an
individual, a map-in-the-
making, leave a hole in the
text for the future, the
poet needs absolute control
of the page, poetry as an
obstruction, an eighth of
an inch of wiggle room, you
might as well treat yourself
to the lip, when found make
a note of,

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