Saturday, June 26, 2010

MAR 16 2008, (am) #2

1) is this letter hanging out here for a reason?
1) some sort of plan for this speck
1) defective copy
1) laser deterioration
1) i want to write you but your address is illegible
1) laser paper
1) toner magic
1) these are 8½ by elevens
1) fill out the page
1) there’s only a few categories
1) temporary filing
1) holepunch
1) obligato’s lament
1) the copy takes precedent
1) as a last resort try the machine
1) any old way you can to get the words out
1) we need more ink
1) is this your favourite text?
1) there is nothing defective
1) maybe i need a little décor
1) it’s stapled shut for a reason
1) a splash of colour!
1) miscellaneous art projects on the go
1) nobody seems to be paying any attention to me!
1) don’t sweat the $6.66?
1) your biggest problem is that you don’t have a garbage can
1) Saint@Oil
1) it doesn’t specify
1) tax time cometh
1) ig, ig, ig, ig, ig, ig, ig, ...

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