Friday, August 06, 2010

"all that is solid melts into air"

leaving off where we picked up,
separates & joins, give it in,
materiality of it, not-so-aware-
ness, finally beginning, barren
ground alive, face time, more
interesting if you don’t totally
get it, thru the nose (poetry,
shaping language, optioned?,
bombs are not the answer,
wishing you were reading
something else, you can’t just
jump back in, harmonious col-
laboration of the european, all
that is solid melts into air, the
moron factor, agglowmeration,
lumpy language, surfing the wind,
talkin’, the football players threw
packets of mustard & ketchup,
make four lunches, pays base,
this service, the whore or
the whore or, artwork itself,
that’s what those boxes are for!,
a definite difference melting
away, select yourself, a spread
, flower up: flower down,
procide, when they were here
, thirty years behind, display
face, also known as chocolate,

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