Tuesday, August 17, 2010

FEB 28 2008, 8:30 pm (on tea: Royal Majesty)

1) the technical term for these little plastic doodads
2) erman
3) making foil sculptures with your toes at work
4) desire keeps us alive
5) writing strictly from necessity
6) hardly makes it art
7) pre-press targets with curve
8) c m m y . . . o g k
9) m y c y . . .
10) remove before wearing
11) a button & a loop of thread in a tiny ziplock bag
12) oh, i thot it said “manties”!
13) . . . y c y k o g k
14) you see here it switches over from one design to
another completely different one
15) the best thing that can be done with paper
16) i don’t want the book, i just want the title
17) but some of the paper is missing
18) you can remember it, or you can try & forget it
19) is this trying to be art?
20) maybe we should stop doing what we are doing
21) think of things from the other’s point of view
22) the words are clicking right off the page
23) “it” has become illegible
24) it would be making a bit more noise however
25) stranger & stranger textual terrain(s)
26) the poem floatin’ free!
27) get in. get out. get busy.™
28) forgot it all already
29) now this also goes into the bag

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