Saturday, August 07, 2010

MAR 06 2008, pm (#1) 10:00

1) $10 x 25¢ = 40?
1) this little scrap of paper is hardly big
enuf to hold a poem! (& yet it is!)
1) with this paper ring...
1) a tiny fragment of paper* only large enough to hold
the single letter ‘I’
*) money paper
1) this paper is merely a vehicle
1) dross rot
1) is there any way we can defend ourselfs?
1) please take care of your genitalia
1) the ‘I’ crushed under the weight of the penny
1) the zen of data entry
1) limping home
1) unitasking
1) masting in the sense of...
1) let you grow / let us grow
1) you are here
1) tick toc
1) raindeer clad in mittens
1) agro scab
1) feral human
1) my life in the bog
1) observers: none
1) Sally Mac
1) soon the poetry will be discarded
1) it’s time for a fluxus break!
1) my whereabouts is no concern of yours
1) you are only one letter away from the universe
1) one enjoys digging

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