Sunday, January 06, 2013


blackout time, a fetal position
cage, transmission arts, penny
lodged in airway, social rejection
extraordinaire, eccentric
recluse extraordinaire, hoarders
delight, acid-injecting, turfpo,
twitterstorm, antiphrases,
conkpo, oh i forgot about me,
that telephone call was a bust,
artist’s lingo, special perfs,
presents the poem well, ride
roughshod over the pain, the
substances that sustain, fruit
stickers consolidated, las
golondrinas, petrochelidon
pyrrhonota, volets, loden,
punkgrass, rocksteady, orange
crevices, the golden milestone,
hemlock earthen cacophony,
foskumber, mythography,
mythopoeic, anaphoria,
shaded by his hat, non-
community, canadian artist
novels, demythologization,
the desire for honey, is that
a sign, one single mark art,
massive penny,

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