Monday, May 28, 2012

"amonkst" & "tuxen"

strong honey stench of dried
amanita, miraculously uncrushed
sycamore leaf, broken plate gull,
edge effects, retention patch,
this copy is the master copy,
overstory and associates,
you want information? seven
dollars each, int anch, amonkst,
did somebody say moist mound,
stop him he’s not on our team,
the forces that tore us apart,
were we feeding ourselves,
plumulosus, bug on a stick,

who has moss pearl, mossy moss,
that was the fateful day you
rolled the truck, tuxen,
knowing what it is not, i love
lucy island, interior anchor,
pogonatum, bimari, mitt monk,
from today’s perspective the
doodle is much more interesting,
buxbaumia, fruiting
abundantly, you used to
draw a lot of fish when you
were a kid, exclaim the moss,
krego ley, creekside in cutblock,

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