Thursday, December 22, 2011

"fish a phrase out of this text"

you must have a faster connection
than me, multichat, meat up,
hyperaphrodite, glenbow voip,
you don’t even have to sign anymore,
oh we were a family, bratwurst
etymology, how many of these pens
do you intend to go thru, taggle
cards, topless borgward, aikido,
traveltime product, yessing,
local desire, the word orange,
entiringly as he continues
highly-fictional, derivatives
funds, prakritic, freizeit,
skholé, fish a phrase out of
this text, i like the way courier
new fills out the page, there
was more on the card, intending
to leak in flight, present day
english, the network can help
you but the network can’t save
you, all the lunatics gathered
together, miss general idea, a
seven brain entity, so much
textual wallpaper, trance
ecstasy, seeing the world as
lunatics see it, recorded
lunatic babble, just say no
to money, the photocopier is
trying to see but, whose the
hand, acuraman, the prison
writings, roll seven eh, your
first blake, and who’s
smiling mug should appear,

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