Sunday, December 04, 2011


this could productively be listed
on e-bay, the signature is worthless
if it has been copied, garth er dee
ate, you forgot your precious
original on the photocopier,
smørrebrød, i have given up on
criticism, arbitrary joy, some
people just don’t have time for
the internet, now the beauty will
be hidden away, edge of time,
genuine anarchist coffee spill,
altenative, celebrating the happy
event, the princess of orange, the
mexican suitcase, in the centre
of the clusters, piggy binge,
stick-thin starlets, slinkachu,
strong sweet prison, edited by
heather cass, alternative set
of procedures, the three-pronged
devil, successfully thru-hiked,
thatkodai, else hampers
challenge, the conviction that
human effort, reading a piece
of paper, nutworkers, m’bwebwe,
a collective genius, mail art
as the special olympics of the
art world, contradictionary,
anti-marked, waterfront
beach house, bull pizzle,
plagiarism is sex,

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