Thursday, February 23, 2012


twelve different postage stamps,
an explosion of love, i order you to
treat me as an equal, karen
eliot is typing…, what are you
going to do about the wolves at
the door? join ‘em!, amiigaf,
highlight cluster, you got the
wrong thing, it would be a lot
of blood if it wasn’t leaking
out so fast, you want to zoom in
and watch the printing in slomo,
many ways to bleed, the place in
the text we are paused at,
twenty pages mimeo, cehaille
kazam, dichroism, the concrete
and the banal, esemplastic,
chuck out the chintz, the
unpleasure principle,
conceptual continuity of
the output macrostructure,
tagline, benn with microscope,
extensive long-range conceptual
landscape modification,
spooky coincidence, historical
and cosmic entirety,
drunketude, zonko, blogging
a dead horse, the last text
in the universe, itcetera,
golden motel, poetry must be
made by all not by one,

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